About Us

Direct Access To The World's Best DiSC Products!

DiSC-Assessments offers you direct access to the world's best DiSC products available online for globally competitive prices!

We are a leading international distributor of solution-focused DiSC products used in thousands of organizations of all sizes, major government agencies, & Fortune 500 companies since 1979.  We also have 45+ years of international experience actively applying DiSC to develop leaders at all levels in a wide variety of businesses, industries, & countries. 

We provide practical and proven Talent Development resources to improve your performance and the performance of your work teams & organization.

Our primary customer is a corporate leader who has set up an EPIC Account for their organization to administer Everything DiSC online.  This customer comes here to regularly replenish their account with EPIC Credits.  Therefore, our top selling products are EPIC Account Starters and EPIC Credits to organizations worldwide.

However, some customers are only interested in purchasing 1 to 4 DiSC Profiles for themselves and/or for their spouses, partners, friends, and families.  These enlighten professionals are curious about the DiSC styles of others with whom they live and work.  This is why we sell Profiles individually.

We also receive requests from individual contributors, sole proprietors, team leaders, and executives from smaller organizations who are interested in "trying out" DiSC products to begin Talent Development efforts.  Since an EPIC Account & EPIC Credits may not be necessary for very small, infrequent product orders of 1 to 4 Profiles, DiSC-Assessments offers these professionals direct access to online solutions, such as the individual Profiles sold here.

Simply put, DiSC-Assessments provides the BEST solutions for larger, frequent, "organizational" EPIC Credit orders for our customers with EPIC Accounts, AND, the BEST solutions for smaller, infrequent, "personal" DiSC Profile orders.

Check out our FAQ Frequently Asked Questions to see what's best for you and your organization. 

Immediate Results With Competitive Global Pricing

When you need direct access to DiSC Profiles for your team and/or organization, DiSC-Assessments provides you 1 FREE EPIC Account with your purchase of 250, 1000 or 2000 EPIC Credits!

When you need only one or a few DiSC Profiles, DiSC-Assessments provides you “Instant Access Codes” to link and login to online assessments for your Profiles.  Upon completion, you will immediately receive your online results to read, save, store, transmit, and/or print hardcopies of PDFs of your Profiles.  You buy only what you need, and get it fast, safe, and secure.

We offer you the world's most competitive pricing on all of the most current DiSC products!


Unbiased Expertise From 45+ Years Of International Experience with DiSC

We are a leading international distributor of solution-focused DiSC products used in thousands of organizations of all sizes, major government agencies, & Fortune 500 companies.  We have 45+ years of international experience actively applying DiSC to develop leaders at all levels in a wide variety of businesses, industries, & countries since 1979!

We objectively share which DiSC products are best, and which are not, based on our decades of real-world applications of DiSC.  For example, we strongly recommend the newer "Everything DiSC" product lines that were introduced in 2007 as a major upgrade to the older "DiSC Classic" product lines.  Why?  All Everything DiSC products are professionally designed to provide focused, action-based results, and these products exclusively use adaptive testing technology for higher validity and reliability than ever before.  The older DiSC Classic product lines may be phased out within the next decade.

We don’t want you to buy more than you need, anything that you'll regret, or anything less than you deserve.  To ensure that you are confident with your decision, please feel free to Contact Us with any questions you may have prior to your purchase.



FREE EPIC Account To Access ALL Profiles & Much More!

If you are interested in buying online DiSC Profiles for your team and/or organization, we can provide you 1 FREE EPIC Account with your purchase of 250, 1000 or 2000 EPIC Credits!


Your EPIC Account provides you and your organization ALL of the following benefits:


Access to Everything DiSC Profiles

Access to highly-valued Team Reports, including:

  • ED Group Culture Report
  • ED Facilitator Report

 Access to specialized Team Reports, including:

  • ED Work Of Leaders Group Report
  • ED Work Of Leaders Facilitator Report

Access to FREE and UNLIMITED Follow-up Reports, including:

  • ED Supplement For Facilitators
  • ED Comparison Report
  • ED Team View

Full Administrative Control

  • Brand and customize online Profiles & Reports with your own organization’s contact information and logo

  • Email "Instant Access Codes" worldwide to any member of your organization, ideal for the needs of multi-location businesses

  • Provide everyone immediate access to any online assessment

  • Provide everyone instant access to results in a personalized Profile, to read, save, and print

  • Determine when and where respondents view their profile results to manage every step of the learning process

  • Audit system activity and determine how many profiles have been completed by training participants at any time

  • Administrators can also view, print, or email completed reports, as EPIC maintains an archive of completed profiles

  • Access to 24/7 EPIC online Help references and easy-to-follow video tutorials

Significant Cost-Savings

  • Employees can complete assessments online in advance of training sessions, ensuring that every minute of training time is used to its full advantage

  • Your EPIC system takes care of scoring the Profiles, saving time & increasing accuracy

  • EPIC Account owners automatically receive the most current versions and improvements of each Profile as they are released, and at no additional cost

  • EPIC Account owners receive the benefit of our volume-based quantity discounts

  • EPIC Credits never expire

  • EPIC Accounts have no annual fees or renewal charges

No Regrets

If you are interested in buying online Profiles for your team and/or organization, we can provide you 1 FREE EPIC Account so that you can start off on the right foot, and gain all of the advantages listed above!

DiSC-Assessments also offers access to small, limited quantities (1 to 4) of selected online DiSC products for your benefit.  As a smart shopper, you want the best products for the best prices, with no regrets.  Purchasing larger quantities of online Profiles from an online seller without your own EPIC Account is simply not smart nor cost-effective for you.

For example, it makes no business sense to purchase 5 or more ED Management Profiles for your organization's leaders without your own EPIC account because all of your leaders' DiSC Profile results will be stored in the seller's EPIC Account database forever, and not in your organization's EPIC Account database.  You will immediately lose the ability to access your leaders' DiSC Profile results to run free and unlimited ED Supplements for Facilitators, Comparison Reports, and Team Views, and you will never be able to run value-added ED Group Culture and ED Facilitator Reports whenever team membership grows or changes.  Finally, you will likely pay much more, and receive much less than you would with your own EPIC Account.

Sadly, very few of our competitors will tell you this, because selling larger quantities of online DiSC products to you will greatly benefit these online sellers, but not you.

Our values, philosophies, and approach are quite different.  We never sell what we wouldn't buy!  This is one of many reasons why we've been successful as a trusted business partner for 45+ years, and counting!



Please see our FAQ.  For more information, please Contact Us, your strategic business partner to accelerate your Talent Development plans.